Sacha Craddock’s commitment to contemporary art encompasses critical writing, and creating new networks designed to bring artists and audiences together.
Here you will find selected critical writing, including essays, articles and texts for art magazines, exhibitions, catalogues, books, and newspapers.
Selected Writing



Adam Henein: Parallel Existence
Adam Henein Abdulrahman Alsoliman: The Art Library Discovering Arab Artists. [S.l.]: RIZZOLI, 2021.
Essay ‘Adam Henein: Parallel Existence’ by Sacha Craddock.
This pioneering series of slipcases provides the first comprehensive panorama of Arab visual arts, with a special focus on the Saudi art scene.

13 (Kiki Wang)
13 (A Robin Red Breast In A Cage, Puts All Heaven In A Rage)’, AM/PM.
Text 13 (Kiki Wang) by Sacha Craddock

New Order: Art, Product, Image,1976–95
Burlington Contemporary.
Exhibition review ‘New Order: Art, Product, Image, 1976–95’ by Sacha Craddock.
Burlington Contemporary is a free online platform for reviews and research on international contemporary art, published by The Burlington Magazine.

Squatters: Tolmers United
Goodbye London: radical art & politics in the 70’, essay ‘Squatters: Tolmers United’ by Sacha Craddock.

Jamaica Aroused
Jamaica Aroused: On an island where the Prime Minister's mother was the leading sculptor, art and politics are intimately linked.
Sacha Craddock investigates.
The Guardian, 3 Oct 1990

Andreas Reiter Raabe
ANDREAS REITER RAABE: W&K Wienerroither & Kohlbacher.
Essay ‘Andreas Reiter Raabe’ by Sacha Craddock for catalogue.

Cultivated Chaos
Xiao-yang Li, Narrative Projects
Exhibition text ‘Cultivated Chaos’ by Sacha Craddock
September 2019

Mike Nelson
Art: Review, Issue 20, March 2008.
Article ‘Mike Nelson’ by Sacha Craddock.

The Tate finds space for the new
The Tate finds space for the new: Sacha Craddock reports on why the nation’s home of modern art had to make room for the contemporary.
Article for The Times, May 1995.

Extended list of writing:
2024 Psychoanalysis & Radical Psychiatry. FOG: Ana Čvorović for catalogue.
2024 Albert Irvin: Intention and Desire for catalogue.
2024 Danny Rolph: Tercet for catalogue.
2024 Salon for Speculative Future: How to be in the Future for catalogue.
2024 Alia Ahmad: Thought to Image, Albion Jeune.
2024 Anne Rothenstein, Stephen Friedman. ISBN 978-1-7385726-0-1.
2024 Sharon Hall: Meeting Points, Benjamin Rhodes Arts.
2023 Curated by, Galerie Kandlhofer.
2023 Supersublime, GIANT Gallery.
2023 The Artist is a Beast, essay on Katherine Bradford and Rose Wylie.
2023 Jose Dávila: Balance Frágil, Travesía Cuatro.
2023 Dinu Li: A Phantom's Vibe, essay Fade and Glow for catalogue.
2022 After Language: Evelina Hägglund and Rosalie Wammes.
2022 On Paint: Frances Aviva Blane.
2021 Here, Now, Misk Art Institute.
2021 Absent Authors, APT.
2021 Knife Edge, APT.
2021 Henry Ward: Baffle, Aleph Contemporary.
2021 James Collins: Penumbra, Class Reiss.
2021 The Stifled Cry: Archie Franks - Miroslav Pomichal.
2021 Sacha Craddock on Christy Burdock, Aleph Contemporary.
2020 Gideon Rubin: A Stranger's Hand. ISBN: 9783940824769
2019 William Cobbing: Haptic Loop, Cooke Latham Gallery.
2019 Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2019. ISBN: 9780956613394
2019 Korean Artist Prize. ISBN: 9788963032320
2018 Jose Dávila. ISBN: 9788494666353
2018 Sam Jackson: Chronicles, Charlie Smith London.
2018 Jose Dávila - The Feather & The Elephant. ISBN: 9783775744225
2018 Alice Instone: The Pram in the Hall. ISBN: 1912591006
2018 Marcus Cope: Moonlighting.
2018 Nick Malone, The Disappearance of Makepeace a Tale of Two Lives.
2018 Zena Blackwell, Seen Not Heard.
2018 Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2018. ISBN: 9780956613387
2017 Turner Prize 2017. ISBN: 9781902039299
2017 Mark Boulos. ISBN: 9783775742696
2017 Young In Hong: The Moon's Trick.
2017 Women Artists: A Conversation. ISBN: 9781907052750
2017 Richard Haley: Lubricants and Literature.
2017 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2017: ISBN: 9780956613370
2017 Diarmuid Kelley: Akzidenz-Grotesk. ISBN: 9780957418868
2017 Stuart Croft Foundation: Chasing the Tail of Tales.
2016 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2016. ISBN: 9780956613363
2016 Alison Wilding, Arena Redux.
2016 Laura Ford, Sculptures and Drawings. ISBN: 9783981385823
2015 Benjamin Senior, Breathless. ISBN: 9781910221068
2015 Rob and Nick Carter, Chinese Whispers.
2015 Sara Shamma: World Civil War Portraits. OCLC: 1223498161
2015 Gillian Wearing. ISBN: 9788448260514
2014 Colin Booth, Omnia Somnia. OCLC: 896606836
2013 Julie Brook: Made Unmade. OCLC: 904323078
2013 Catrin Huber: Fictional Spaces. ISBN: 9781906832094
2013 Juan Carlos Stekelman: New York, London.
2012 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2012. ISBN: 9780956613325
2012 Bruce Ingram: Arrangements.
2012 Rosa Lee: Paintings.
2012 Paul Hamlyn: Here. ISBN: 9780957150225
2011 Mustafa Hulusi. ISBN: 3863350677
2011 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2011. ISBN: 9780956613318
2011 Edgar Martins: This is Not a House. ISBN: 9781907893025
2011 Sophy Rickett: To the River. ISBN: 0907738990
2011 Turner Contemporary. ISBN: 0955236339
2011 Heri Dono: Madman Butterfly. ISBN: 9781906576271
2011 Royal College of Art, Future Works. ISBN: 9781907342356
2011 Charlottenborg: Spring 2011.
2010 RBS Bursary Awards 2010.
2010 Robert Davies: Animals.
2010 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2010. ISBN: 0956613306
2009 Angus Fairhurst. ISBN: 9780856676604
2009 Grant Foster: Mute and Impotent before The Boot.
2009 Miguel de Palma: Osmosis. ISBN: 9789899638709
2008 RBS Bursary Awards 2008. OCLC: 646301742
2008 Richard Billingham: Landscapes 2001-2003. ISBN: 9781904587385
2008 Chantal Joffe. ISBN: 9780955456459
2008 Richard Deacon & Bill Woodrow: on the rocks. OCLC: 501483770
2007 No future: Bloomberg Space. OCLC: 1193494876
2007 Exilis, Jaume Simó Sabater i Garau. ISBN: 9788489034556
2007 Gereon Krebber, All That Is Solid Melts into Air. ISBN: 9783866780613
2007 The Turner Prize and British Art. ISBN: 1854377426
2007 Daniel Silver. ISBN: 9781900470728
2007 Paul Morrison.
2006 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2006. ISBN: 0954084861
2006 The Artists’ Yearbook 2007. OCLC: 1193355778
2006 Wandering Stars.
2005 The Artist’s Yearbook 2006. ISBN: 0500285772
2005 Pecali & Sprovieri: Studio City.
2004 Gill Ord: An Experiment with Time. OCLC: 1115910837
2004 On communication. ISBN: 0948797142
2004 Preoccupying Zones. ISBN: 995031321X
2004 Naglaa Walker: On physics. OCLC: 680471888
2004 New British Painting. ISBN: 0854328033
2003 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2003. ISBN: 0954084829
2003 International Venice agendas 2003. OCLC: 501015790
2003 Sculpture in 20th-century Britain. ISBN: 1900081989
2003 ART2003, London Art Fair. OCLC: 778905254
2003 Recognition, Arnolfini. ISBN: 0907738753
2003 Jocelyn Clarke, Jerwood Artists Platform. OCLC: 913375505
2003 Tom Hammick. ISBN: 0953179389
2003 Open Sculpture, Royal West of England Academy.
2003 Chantal Joffe: Women. ISBN: 0954308530
2003 Jaime Gili, Jerwood Artists Platform. OCLC: 500998226
2002 Jerwood painting prize 2002. OCLC: 1159840413
2002 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2002. OCLC: 835594346
2002 Strike, Wolverhampton Art Gallery. ISBN: 3883756377
2002 Jo Bruton: Walk Slow Towards the Light. ISBN: 0907623395
2002 Georgia Hayes: Paintings 1999-2001. ISBN: 0954231511
2002 Art: What Is It Good For? ISBN: 9780340848371
2002 Beck's Futures 2002. ISBN: 94346472
2002 Jose Dávila: Temporality is a Question of Survival. ISBN: 1900470187
2002 Siân Bowen: Ream. ISBN: 095182029X
2002 The Producers: (5). ISBN: 1903655137
2002 Jeanne Masoero: A Survey. ISBN: 0853318522
2002 100 Reviews Backwards. ISBN: 3883756490
2002 L’anti-monument: Les Mots de Paris. ISBN: 2879007453
2002 Alf Löhr, Abstraction. ISBN: 0948252111
2001 Yvonne Crossley: Marking Times. ISBN: 0948327111
2001 ART2000 Projects in Sacred Places.
2001 Art for All? Their Policies and Our Culture. ISBN: 095397720X
2001 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2001. ISBN: 0954084802
2000 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 2000. ISBN: 0951555693
2000 Carol Robertson: new paintings. ISBN: 0953754103
2000 The dynamics of now. ISBN: 185437270X
2000 Effie Paleologou: Notes.
2000 Museum in Progress, There Is No Place Like Home.
2000 Jo Bruton and Katie Pratt. OCLC: 810939576
2000 Ark2000: An Experimental Work. ISBN: 0953634035
1999 Bloomberg: new contemporaries 1999. ISBN: 0951555685
1999 Binary Propositions.
1999 UlayAward for Women Artists.
1999. A poetics of water: Elizabeth Ogilvie. ISBN: 1902734068
1998 Silvia Martins Paintings.
1998 Stephen Chambers Paintings. ISBN: 0907074707
1998 Frances Aviva Blane. OCLC: 77867009
1998 In Situ: Installation + Sited Work. ISBN: 1873108192
1998 A Split Second of Paradise. ISBN: 1854890980
1998 Clyde Hopkins: Vodka, a Stiff Breeze and Paranoia. ISBN: 1870540514
1998 Slow Burn. ISBN: 090268339X
1998 Spotlight: Gillian Wearing. ISBN: 1853321761
1998 New contemporaries 98. ISBN: 0951555677
1997 Gillian Ayres.
1997 Cathy de Monchaux. ISBN: 0854881158
1996 Painting 1996, Royal College of Art. OCLC: 913309174
1996 Prunella Clough. ISBN: 1900470004
1996 Art Gallery Exhibiting. OCLC: 901075247
1996. Weatherview: Coast to Coast Exchanging Views. OCLC: 901660222
1996 Albert Irvin.
1996 Joan Key. OCLC: 950043373
1996 New contemporaries 1996. ISBN: 0951555650
1996 Gang Chen. ISBN: 1873451245
1995 Keith Wilson: theft by finding. OCLC: 501433099
1995 Jo Stockham: Changing places. OCLC: 1193528232
1995 Stephen Cooper: new work. OCLC: 501431476
1995 Elizabeth Ogilvie: Island Within. OCLC: 948710435
1995 Charles Hewlings: Recent Sculptures. ISBN: 1898669074
1995 Eari. OCLC: 901006083
1994 RSI Tim Renshaw. ISBN: 1873451180
1994 LUX Europæ. ISBN: 0952105802
1994 Vivan Sundaram: Map, Monument Fallen, Mortal. ISBN: 1898461023
1994 New painting from the Arts Council Collection. ISBN: 185332129X
1994 Umbra penumbra. OCLC: 913281513
1993 Moving into view: Recent British painting. ISBN: 1853321087
1993 Gravity & grace. OCLC: 272557108
1993 Sharon Hall: paintings, 18 June-31 July 1993. ISBN: 0952178001
1991 Peter Doig: Upper Gallery. OCLC: 1193427032
1991 Jo Stockham, Camden Arts Centre. OCLC: 1223555403
1990 Chisenhale Studios: tenth anniversary 1980-1990. OCLC: 501437418
2020 Spectrum Magazine.
2019 PICPUS #21, PICPUS press, Sacha Craddock on Alberto Savinio.
2013 Artasiapacific, Issue 85 Sep / Oct 2013.
2011 Art Review: Issue 47.
2008 Bidoun Magazine: Riwaq Bienniale.
2008 Artasiapacific, Issue 61: 15th Anniversary Special Issue.
2005 Bidoun Magazine: Hashem El Madani.
2004 Contemporary Magazine, Issue 64. OCLC: 717193014
2004 Contemporary, Issue 69. OCLC: 717196468
2004 Contemporary 21, No 67. OCLC: 717195825
2003 Art Price, Vol. 002.
2001 Art:Review, March 2001. Worldcat: 96665794
2001 British Museum Magazine, No 41, Autumn/ Winter 2001.
2000 Untitled, Contemporary Art Magazine, No 21, Spring.
2000 Art:Review, Issue 34, October 2000. Worldcat: 96075856
1999 Public Art Journal, Volume 1, Number 1, March.
1999 Japanese Landscape, Untitled Magazine.
1997 Creative Camera Magazine, Issue 349.
1995 Art + Text Magazine, No 51.
1994 Women's Art, London, No.61, Nov/Dec 1994.
1993 The Women's Art Library: Women's Art Magazine (Issue 55), Nov-Dec 1993.
2023 Milly Thompson obituary, The Guardian.
2015 John Dougill obituary, The Guardian.
1996 Gillian Ayres: The bright spark in a brown world, The Times.
1995 A Turner round the Tate, The Times.
1995 Rites of Passage: Critic Gives an Anatomy Lesson, The Guardian.
1995 Rising in the Arts Firmament. Steve McQueen, The Times.
1994 New Ways to Pick a Winner, Jeremy Millar, The Guardian.
1991 Sacha Craddock on Cornelia Parker, The Guardian.
1990 Sacha Craddock: Everything in the Garden, The Guardian.
1990 Nicholas May: Look No Hands, The Guardian.
1990 Martin Parr, Photographers Gallery, The Times.
1989 Anthony Caro: The Metal Manipulator, The Guardian.
1989 The Art of a Star Turn, Salvador Dali, The Guardian.
1989 Jenny Holzer, In the end was the world, The Guardian.
1989 Sex and Sensibility, Nan Goldin, The Guardian.
1989 The disquieting Americans, on Neuman and Mangold, The Guardian.
1989 Birmingham: Inter-city Expressions, Frankfurt artists, The Guardian.
1989 The world through Spanish eyes, ARCO Madrid, The Guardian.
1988 Elegant twist in a familiar yarn, The Guardian.
1988 The men's room, Photographers Gallery, The Guardian.
1988 Lucio Fontana: Showman in His Own Space, The Guardian.
1988 The Fast Dockland track to simplicity, The Guardian.